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The Artist's Corner...
okz, this is the artist in me, BUT as I've warned before, I'm not as good an artist as I'd like to be... My newest obsession... Dragons... I just love em!!!
This is Draco. I have no idea why i drew this one, the scene just popped into my head when I was mad... and no I won't tell you why... ::looks at her staff who all look busy all of a sudden:: neither will you...

The Fire Demon
The fire demon. The product of an insomniac mind, so I'm going to refrain from commenting on this one.

Dragna, a name of one of the dragons from a cartoon I used to watch, but the dragon is from Jinnez... ((my mind..but he's let's just keep it at that))..."I HEARD THAT!!"...I know you did Jinnez.... anyways, I love this dragon, my first attempt at drawing a whole one with wings...

I just love how this guy turned out.... what's he part of?.....who is he?... well he's in a project I'm cooking up... what is it?...Well in the words of the famous anime charachter, Xelloss, of Slayers...that is a secret.

Quatro- New
The same image only I played around with it... I'm still adjusting to computer graphics so bear with me!... But  I like how this turned out too... "and She didn't thank me!"... Cut it out Jinnez...