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The Birth
Copy write (c) M.Howeidi/aka/Zanymars
It began a long time ago, in a place distant than our own. A blazing thing in an endless piece of dark blue almost black velvet decorated by nothing but the sisters and brothers of that blazing beauty. Those decorations were accompanied by gems that were dark and mysterious.

     The beauty that we see and feel. The one we gaze at and never tire from doing so, the one which started it all. The outstanding ball of flame sent out strings of powder to give our velvet another look, another beauty of nature to light it. Somehow, one of those landed on a nearby dark gem. One that was so rich in color no thing or person can describe it. It was of a rich degree of blue, along were streaks of white that gave it its intriguing appearance.

     The dark gem that could have been the most gorgeous sapphire anyone could hope to see. The streaks that landed on it were the blazing beauty's gift to the dark and silent yet hauntingly beautiful sapphire.

     The gift just sat there on the rock's surface waiting for the artist which have created such beautiful things to command it and instruct it of it's role in this lovely jewel. It sat there at first just another decoration in a planet full of colors and pure brilliance. A gem among gems a person and if you looked at it you'd say it is the most divine thing a person could lay his eyes on. The fact would be that no person or creature could  be more wring. For it was surrounded by magnificence, but to the creator of these things it was the only thing that mattered.

     The stripe of  beauty which has been given to gem, for I shall call it that from now on, was changing. The bland haunting color, which it has possessed for centuries, was changing, twisting, and turning forming images from within. It was telling a story, a story which no creature have seen or heard. A story that the gift only knew of. The images ceased and out of the gift came an idea, a realization that floated in it's place waiting for someone to grasp it. Then came a concept, time, it had been telling a history. A history of what or who only it knew. The gift changed its color to a degree of pink which sparkled then dimmed. As suddenly as it has awakened the gift went into another hibernation waiting to be told when to give birth of something else. It had kept its knew color but the haunting dullness returned.

     Similar things were happening on the other gems. Gifts coming to life and then fading away again into a sleep that cannot be disturbed by anything but its creator.