Throttle, the leader of the three bros and considered to be the brains. He's the one who orcherstarates all the moves during a fight, he's the most serious of the three but has his share of puns... and sadly, also joins in the whaling that the bros do which they actually call, singing. Throttle's phylosiohy is simply, job before life. He has a girl friend waiting on Mars, both being workaholics have put everything aside in order to serve and protect their planet.
The reason behind the shades... yeah I know they look cool.. BUT other than that... Throttle's blind without them. Courtesy of one Dr. Carbuncle who replaced them with bionic eyes which don't work... Throttle's special piece of weaponry other than looks and brain...his glove has these small cylinders, which when activated give his arm a powerful punch...hate to be in the way of that.... anyways, that's our dear Throttle.
Then there's Modo. He is the perfect example of "the gentle giant". Considered the brawn , and sometimes the slowest of the three... but he DOES have his moments of burst genius. He also the heart of the outfit. He's got the biggest soft spot for kids, and family... he's the one who shows it most when longing for home... AAANNDDd...le'ts not forget, he's Mama's boy!... obviously his mama was a tough one, since almost every episode she is quoted and Modo takes his dear old gray furred Mama's advice very seriously.
One helluva fighter, like the rest of them... BUT there are two features not present in this piccie..and that is... dear Modo had a bionic lasor shooting right arm, courtesy of...who else?..Doc Carbuncle... AND an eyepatch... his other rema